The Skye High Foundation was set up to support families during and after the loss of a twin, triplet or multiples.
We created the purple butterfly cot card, which is to be placed in an incubator or cot in memory of their sibling. The cot card is used in conjunction with a poster that is placed around maternity and neonatal units, which explains the meaning of the purple butterfly. The cot card allows families the opportunity to make others around them aware of the journey they are going through.

How We Support

We supply boxes to neonatal and maternity units within the UK to help support families.

How You Can Support Us

Cot Cards, Posters, Staff Training Resources and Family Packs
We supply boxes to neonatal and maternity units within the UK to help support families during their time in hospital.
A hospital box includes 15 memory boxes, 200 cot cards, posters, family support leaflets and staff training leaflets.
These packs are available for free.
Butterfly Memory Boxes
Our heart goes out to any family that has sadly lost a twin, triplet or multiples.
We created a beautiful memory box that can be sent out to families across the UK, if they have not received this from the hospital.
Our butterfly memory boxes now come in a beautiful white magnet box and include a cot card, candle, teddy, pin badge, wristband and crochet butterfly.